Austin Day, senior in agronomy, spent several months studying abroad in New Zealand this past year.
“I chose to study in New Zealand because I wished to learn about alternate forms of agricultural production and hoped to find methods that could improve our own,” said Austin.
Austin was able to take classes that fulfilled requirements in both his agronomy major and animal science minor. These classes included animal nutrition, animal production, and understanding plant protection.
“My weekends and breaks from class consisted of traveling and experiencing everything that New Zealand had to offer. I was even able to spend a week in Australia. During my adventures, I enjoyed hiking, climbing mountains, visiting scenes from “Lord of the Rings,” trying new things like surfing, and much more,” said Austin.
Austin found the opportunity to study abroad by talking to others that had been involved in similar programs as well as attending the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences study abroad fair. His experiences have given him a broader perspective of the agriculture industry and how farmers around the globe are striving to reach the same goals of efficiently and effectively feeding the world.
“What I have experienced has expanded my love for all aspects of agriculture. I would highly recommend this kind of experience to anyone who has an interest in traveling and exploring new cultures,” said Austin. “I wouldn’t trade my adventure nor the chance of meeting all of the new friends I have now for anything.”