Takle, Eugene

My research emphasizes the use of climate science, both modeling and analysis, for investigating the causes and future impacts of climate change. I also lead a team that conducts meteorological measurements and analysis of data taken at the surface and from tall towers within and near utility scale wind farms. The objectives of this research are:


  • Improve the predictive skill of wind forecast models
  • Understand wind-farm power reduction due to turbine wakes
  • Evaluate the impact of wind farms on crops

Taylor, S. Elwynn

Dr. S. Elwynn Taylor is a retired extension climatologist at Iowa State University, and is well known for his analysis of weather influence on the Midwest. He is widely recognized for his clear explanations of the complexities of long-term weather variability. Before moving to Iowa in 1979, he was a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Alabama. He was educated in botany at Utah State University and completed his doctoral studies at Washington University in St. Louis in 1970.

Dr. Taylor has published more than 200 articles reporting his research on the impacts of weather conditions, and his voice is well known from his regular Midwest radio broadcasts of crop-weather and other educational information. His explanations of Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, the El Niño, and other weather events and how they impact life and our economy are clear, insightful, and concise. All persons concerned with climate associated risks will benefit from Dr. Taylor’s clear and often humorous explanations.