Iowa State agronomy faculty and undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral scholars attended the Tri-Societies meetings in St. Louis, Missouri in November. Students participated in poster presentations, competitions, and seminars with the meeting culminating with an awards banquet.
2023 Tri-Societies Awards and Fellows
(Pictured above)
Dr. Michael Thompson assumed duties as Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) President.
Dr. Asheesh “Danny” Singh was one of eight named as a Crop Science Society of America Fellow.
Yunjiao Zhu was recognized as an Outstanding Paper Award Winner for the Soil Science Society of America for a paper titled, “Continuous Situ Soil Nitrate Sensors: The Importance of High-Resolution Measurements Across Time and a Comparison with Salt Extraction-Based Methods” by Yunjiao Zhu, Yuncong Chen, Md. Azahar Ali, Liang Dong, Xinran Wang, Sotirios Archontoulis, James Schnable, and Michael Castellano. https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.20226
Alejo Ruiz received the Nelson Yield-Limiting Factors Graduate Student Scholarship.
Poster Competitions

Several undergraduate and graduate students participated in poster competitions during the Tri-Societies meetings. Congratulations to, Ashlyn Rairdin, left, graduate student of Dr. Arti Singh, who placed 3rd in the C01-Graduate Student Poster Competition.
Agronomy Club Attends Annual SASES Meeting
The Iowa State Agronomy Club took six members to the National Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (SASES) American Society of Agronomy International Annual Meeting at the end of October. The meeting this year occurred in St. Louis, Missouri where students explored a variety of keynotes, tours, and contests.
The Iowa State students who attended the meeting this year participated in Quiz Bowl achieving second place as a team made up of Wyatt Bailey, Abe Dieleman, Ephraim VanZante, and Rachel Silhanek and the Crops Judging Contest achieving fourth place as a team made up of Emma Davidson, Abe Dieleman, Ephraim VanZante, and Aidan Bobholz. Iowa State also had individuals competing. Elizabeth Tranel achieved third place in the Manuscript Contest, Rachel Silhanek participated in the Speech Contest, Aiden Bobholz presented a poster over research from on campus lab work, and Wyatt Bailey presented in the President’s Trophy Contest.
Congratulations to these individuals for their achievements and for representing Iowa State University and the Agronomy Club. The theme of this year’s meeting was “Open Science Inspires.”