Takle, Eugene

My research emphasizes the use of climate science, both modeling and analysis, for investigating the causes and future impacts of climate change. I also lead a team that conducts meteorological measurements and analysis of data taken at the surface and from tall towers within and near utility scale wind farms. The objectives of this research are:


  • Improve the predictive skill of wind forecast models
  • Understand wind-farm power reduction due to turbine wakes
  • Evaluate the impact of wind farms on crops

Liebman, Matt

Before joining the ISU faculty in 1998, Matt worked at the University of Maine for 11 years. He became a fellow of the American Society of Agronomy in 2009 and was a member of the National Research Council committee that produced the 2015 report titled “A Framework for Assessing Effects of the Food System.” His research, teaching, and outreach activities focus on ways to improve environmental quality and agricultural productivity while reducing dependence on agrichemicals and fossil fuels. Specific interests include diversified cropping systems, weed ecology and management, and the use of native prairie species for biofuel production and soil, water, and wildlife conservation. Matt is a member of the board of directors for Wheatsfield Cooperative Grocery in Ames, Iowa.