2104B/1126H Agronomy, 716 Farm House Ln
(515) 294-3274

2104B/1126H Agronomy, 716 Farm House Ln
(515) 294-3274
Currently, I am serving as the Interim Department Chair. Additionally, I am serving as the Associate Chair for Academics and the Director for the M.S. in Agronomy Program. Currently, I am teaching several classes: AGRON181 Introduction to Crop Science, AGRON410 Senior Forum, AGRON496B Field to Fork on the Prairie domestic travel course, and AGRON496 Agricultural Systems of New Zealand. While I am department chair others are teaching AGRON450 Issues in Sustainable Agriculture and SusAg515 Integrated Crop and Livestock Production Systems for me. I also advise undergraduate and graduate students.
My research interests include sustainable agriculture, the production and management of alternative cropping systems, and agronomic education. I am interested in cooperative learning where the classroom becomes a place to learn in a personal, non-competitive environment, to develop understandings and/or skills, and to celebrate learning.
Sustainable Agriculture