2023 Tri-Societies Meeting Highlights

Tri-Societies Award Recipients

Iowa State agronomy faculty and undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral scholars attended the Tri-Societies meetings in St. Louis, Missouri in November. Students participated in poster presentations, competitions, and seminars with the […]

Agronomy Alum on a Mission to Make a Difference

ISU agronomy graduate Riley Wilgenbusch sits on a mountaintop in Peru.

This past spring, Riley Wilgenbusch, a 2020 ISU agronomy and global resource systems graduate, earned his Master’s in Public Health; International Health concentrated in Health Systems, from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg […]

Spring BBQ at Brookside Park, May 18, 6:30pm

Agronomy department people gathjered at a picnic at Brookside Park.

AGSC 2023 Spring BBQ at Brookside Park With the Spring semester over and temperatures warming up, let’s get together before the summer kick-off! BBQ and refreshments provided by the Club.  […]

Agronomy Graduate Student Club Officers

The Agronomy Graduate Student Club has elected 2022 officers: President – Alexis Meadows Vice President – Alejo Ruiz Secretary – Mercy K Azanu Treasurer – Liza Van der Laan Social Chair – Alam Ramirez Reyes Seminar Co-chairs […]